Monday, February 28, 2005

New Vocab for the Truly Trendy

Like the total geek that I am, I have been on the ED website ( and found some great new vocab from the classic US TV comedy that sadly as yet has not been released on DVD due to legal reasons. Here are my favourites:

a Chooch: A favor; eg. “I need to ask you for a chooch”
Dunch: Late lunch/early dinner term
Flabbety Schmoove: Sex
Glomming: What couples do once married; when there is no longer a "me" and a "you" only “we”
Depickled/depicklized: Getting one's self out of a jam
Schlabotabooties: Cash
Scroodling: To mess with someone's head
a Wowser: a Good Idea.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

California Here We...DANCE!

I have a special OC dance I do when the theme tune comes on: it basically just involves playing air guitar and pointing a really does improve your viewing pleasure and make the anticipation of beautiful Ben Mackenzie in THAT white vest all the greater. Jeh-n-loois I know you're with me. I would like to make this a worldwide phenomenon: so hopefully one day, everyone everywhere will do the dance as soon as they hear: "California here we come..."
Please join me- I will let you know how far the dance travels...

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


Ah, Fran, your immortal words rang in my ears yesterday as the "Intermediate Jazz" class I attended at Pineapple turned out to be a street-hip-hop-type-extravaganza taught by a girl in VERY baggy trousers with dangerously long blood red hair extensions called "Ali-Kitten." To my credit, I feel comforted by the fact that I looked significantly less ridiculous at the end of the class than I did at the start. And my new friend Ali-Kitten said I brought a really good "vibe" into her class. Actually I really enjoyed it. Except the break-dancing which gave me bruises.
And today I can't walk.

Desperate Housewives

Anyone watching this?
This week's episode was every bit as funny and dark as Six Feet Under. Here are my Best Bits:
- hilarious slapstick as Susan (Teri Hatcher), snooping around a neighbour's house, fell through the ceiling, got stuck, and with torso in the attic and legs in the kitchen yelled to the neighbour's dog for help "Bongo! I'm upstairs!...sort of." (Bongo comes upstairs. She holds onto one side of a towel and tries to coax the dog into pulling the other side of it, but to no avail...Bongo instead wanders over to the toilet and starts drinking from it.) "Some help you are- Lassy would've got a fire-truck by now."
- All the eerie secrets: who's the new neighbour that Susan's dating? And why does he have stacks of cash, a gun and photos of people in the neighbourhood up on his wall?? And what was the secret that Mary-Alice (nothing but a ghostly voice-over from episode 1) killed herself to protect? We know it involves a secret baby, but how did Martha Huber, her now murdered greedy blackmailing neighbour know about it? Westeeria Lane now has three, possibly four suspicious, un-investigated deaths, and it’s only half way through the series.…
-On top of all that there was a genuinely touching moment between the 3 moms after Lynette, having become dependent on taking her 4 kids' ADHD pills, had a sleep-deprivation-induced breakdown. Finding her sat alone on a football field, this prompted the other mothers to confess their own parental failures for the first time to each other, at which Lynette broke down crying: "Why didn't you tell me this before?" /"Does it help?"/ "It helps."

- But here’s my favourite DH quote so far this series. Lynette, speaking to her hellish babble of kids: “I know someone, who knows someone, who knows an elf. And if any of you acts up, so help me, I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas! Alright, are you willing to risk that?”

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Watching Parkinson

Parky was just chatting to Twiggy about life. He said "I didn't know what I was doing until I was 60." Well that gives me 36 years- hurrah. Love Parky.

Twiggy, on the other hand, just said: "The Americans have been so good to me. They let me play on Broadway. I would never have been allowed to do that here." Classic.

Friday, February 18, 2005

the creek is dead

Fav. purchase of this week:
(The never-before-seen-extended-directors-cut no-less!!)

Second time round, I was STILL bawling my eyes out- my parents were also blubbing- this is the saddest thing EVER... and not just because the creek (+therefore my adolesence) is dead.

my life

do you ever sit down with a glass of wine and decide your life is weird?
Some reasons why my life is weird:
-Every day I get to work and have completely non-sensical conversations with dementia-sufferers (eg. at 9am this morning I offered a lady breakfast and she assured me it was bed time; i then found an old gentleman in the corridor who wanted me to tell him which door led to the bar!)
-my gay dog has turned out to be a wife beater (yes, today he attacked Toby, his premiscuous dalmatian bed partner) - I may write to Ryan from the OC and ask if Dom can have 1 of his vests
- my mum was dancing round the house today shouting proudly that her boobs are not droopy yet
-my new hobby: knitting a scarf, has become like The NeverEnding Story but without the labrador-dragon-thing (actually my life would be a whole lot weirder WITH the dog-dragon, ...incidently- have you ever noticed how the dog-dragon in The Never Ending Story 2 is played by an entirely different puppet?? How many dog dragon actors ARE there? Was the original dog-dragon fired over a wage dispute? Or because he was on the drink?)
-I have been volunteered to sing at a village fundraiser with Barry, the man that walks the dogs (I am envisaging a Dibley-type affair: me+ a band of big-bearded ukelele-players)
-I want to be whole-heartedly to be thin, fit and healthy, but at the exact same time I have a passionate desire to find every food item in the house with a fat content of 40% plus and gorge my face with it until I can't move. Ever again.
-I think I am having a serious co-dependent relationship............. with my television.
-I now feel so attached to Eric, the dead spider on my bathroom floor, I can't bring myself to remove him. (When I use my hairdryer, his little legs get blown around in the hot air, and it looks like he's dancing...ah, sick or funny...such a fine fine line...)