Tuesday, May 10, 2005


These go to Rachel, Liz and all my other adoring site-fans who have clearly been crying themselves to sleep in my absence. You make a good point- no-one can do laundry for 3 weeks...
I have spent the last fortnight in rehearsal and performance of the women's lib cheese-fest Ann Veronica in London, and have divided my free-time between cast pub-sessions (absolutely necessary for company-bonding and character-interaction) and WW5 (erm..i just felt that my Agnes the suffragette, despite not actually having any lines persay, had nuances of CJ's hard-nosed feminist political player about her, and this sort of research just had to be done if I was to deliver more than a bland "musical theatre" (aka: tits and teeth) ensemble performance. )
Actually no lines is a lie. I had two:
1. (as un-named "landlady". Spoken.): "Sorry duckie, we don't let rooms to unaccompanied females."
2. (as Agnes the suffragette at the church picnic. Sung.): "But what's the use of a picnic in the glade, when only the table-cloth gets laid?"
So I'm betting you're all really sorry you missed that.
No seriously, it was actually a lot of fun, and the show was sold out all week. It had a lot of great ensemble songs in it and was a lot of fun to perform. You know me- what could be more fun than marching around a stage with a placard that says VOTES FOR WOMEN singing THEY CAN'T KEEP US DOWN ANYMORE. I also got to play the spoons, be groped by a GENUINE straight boy and faint! Actually, I managed to sustain a bonafide theatrical war-wound from the faint one night..I came off stage and realised the elbow area of my long-sleeved shirt was covered in blood- as I'd hit the ground it had taken off a scab that was already there from stage-faint-related-carpet-burn so I had to go back on stage and sing a whole number splattered in blood. Hee hee.
David Croft, Mr. I-wrote-every-successful-20th Century-British-sitcom-there-was, came and watched 4 or 5 times and was adorable and encouraging to us all. On sunday they interviewed him and Ian Lavender (Dad's Army/Derek in Eastenders/he was in the original cast of Ann V.) about the show and then our post-show party was full of theatrical royalty and the stars of D.Army/A.Y.Being Served/Hi-Di-Hi/etc all of whom were delights to chat to.
Hurray for cutie old luvvies.


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