Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Mickey is calling....

Well, after a day of Food Hygiene Training (what have I learnt about food hygiene?-That there is NOTHING fun about food hygiene), I am very excited to announce that I am now officially all booked up and ready to fly to Orlando on the 1st April. There I will be boarding the 'Disney Magic' cruise liner and cruising the Caribbean for a week with my good friend Nicola who is on the ship's entertainment team. I am tres jammy as I am only paying for my flight and the $6 a day all-you-can-eat food, but get board and excursions free of charge. What's more, due to a problem with flights I have to stay in Orlando an extra 2 nights before coming home, so I will just have to try to keep myself amused at the Magic Kingdom. Shame.


Blogger Liz said...

Oh, food hygiene training can be fun when with LCET....... Or at least when with a Chris that doesn't really wanna be there as he's done 48 of the things before ;)

March 12, 2005 at 8:11:00 PM PST  

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