Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I am anxious.

I can always tell when I'm anxious because I find myself lying in bed:
a) Unable to sleep
b) Involuntarily imagining spiders crawling all over my face.

There was a few years where the spiders were needles, but these days I have returned to my irrational primal fear.
So what am I anxious about? In search of clues, I recall the night's sleeping dream, in which I was at the airport but had forgotten my suitcase, resulting in both my friend and I missing our plane. This is not deep symbolism-holiday catastrophies had been on my mind: I had spent the previous evening booking hotels for my holiday and my mum had mistakenly booked one on the wrong side of the USA.
I try writing a list of all the things that occasionally stress me out:
I cross off Performances. Performance anxiety (or stage fright), which crippled me for a term at drama school, does not make me see spiders or injections. I just lie in bed going over and over a song or scene in my head. And whilst developing coping/relaxation techniques (such as raisin-concentration: I can now eat a single raisin for 16 mins.) DOES help towards "losing yourself" rather than critiquing yourself in a peformance, no strategy or discipline ever defeated the sleepness nights. In the end the only cure for stage fright is persistant performance.
My career (or lack of) status has remained unchanged since January, and it is a bit late for me to start worriedly mourning the absence of money after 5 years of debt...
So what's going on?
Maybe I need a theme song - like Tracy Ullman famously advised Ally McBeal. Any suggestions?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A theme song hmm? Does this have to be something relevant to your life right now, or can I say the obvious?

California by Phantom Planet - for it's pure dancey/singey feel better quality.

March 16, 2005 at 4:09:00 AM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

doh - forgot to sing that!

March 16, 2005 at 4:11:00 AM PST  

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