Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Shut up Trevor

Surely Trevor MacDonald is creating a "phenomenon" out of "Happy Slapping" by calling it one? I'm quite sure something as senseless as hitting a stranger around the head and taking a picture would get boring for any young person after a few attempts, and the mass majority of young people probably hadn't heard of it and wouldn't try it anyway- right up until the moment, that is, when parents everywhere turn to their teenagers and say "Have you ever done this 'Happy Slapping?' It's terrible- I saw it on Trevor MacDonald-apparently all the kids you're age are into it- don't you ever do it..."
I realise my hypocrisy in discussing the argument that we shouldn't publicly discuss stuff like this- but I figure since only about 5 people read my blog, none of whom are parents or teenagers, I'll probably not affect the trend too much...
I also have one more thought- It'd be interesting to know whether the so-called "Normans" that get whacked in this craze, are ever or often women. I would hazard a guess that the majority of "Happy Slappers" are probably boys, as this seems like a very 'boy' prank, and girls in puberty don't tend to be liking the contact thing so much. It would comfort me if there was still instilled somewhere within the psyche of young guys an understanding that hitting women is wrong.
P.S. It was the Daily Telegraph that started all this, but has anyone else noticed some really shoddy reporting on ITV lately? Use of inappropriate words for shock-value, etc.... Might boycott it- don't like the colour of their studio anyway...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi kate, don't know whether i count as one of your five readers but here's my comment anyway.
As a youth worker in Islington i can confirm that Happy Slapping is indeed a phenomenon and has been for at least the last six months! Both boys and girls i work with have loads of video footage of happy slapping on their phones. I blogged about it a while ago but deleted the post after a week as i was getting hundreds of hits from people typing 'happy slapping' into google and then leaving senseless comments! hope this doesn't happen to you.

May 17, 2005 at 6:57:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Jude said...

do you remember all the fuss about "tangoing" people when those ads first came out years ago?

May 17, 2005 at 7:06:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Liz said...

*holds up hand, embarrassed* I had a Tango mega-phone.....

"There's a man walking down the street. And he's BALD."

May 17, 2005 at 7:52:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Neil O'Hara said...

Thanks for the offer of laptop, but I got the message you sent Ali. Hand gliding and all that.

Cheers anyway!!!

May 17, 2005 at 8:44:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Neil O'Hara said...

Also, no I haven't noticed the poor quality of ITV news, but news on Radio 1, now that is being dumbed down, when refering to someone going to prison they said that they got "banged up".

Watch out for stuuf like that. They must think the public are stooopid. innit.

May 17, 2005 at 8:48:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Kate John said...

ben- you are clearly the man who knows...does this mean i have to apologise to trevor? nah- he's done loads of sensationalist rubbishy debates...

May 17, 2005 at 4:09:00 PM PDT  

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