Monday, May 16, 2005

Anyone got a catapult?

I am sat in the lounge, watching my parents out at the canal-side devising a plan for the best way to chase a squirrel off our roof. My mum is barking out instructions like "Get a catapult!" and my Dad is saying deadpan "I'm afraid I don't have time to go and buy one. An airgun'd do it but I don't have one of those either..." My dog who had been enlisted in the campaign, refuses to bark and wanders back inside to get out of the rain.
Eventually they give up, and my mum, making her way back up to her bedroom-come-revision-lab mumbles to herself "How am I supposed to concentrate on President Mugabe when there's a squirrel doing a dance above my head?" A question I can quite honestly say that in my life has never yet required an answer.


Blogger Liz said...

What IS it with these things?!

Three weeks ago, I didn't believe my friend when he said he had squirrels in the roof.

Since, you are the THIRD person to say the same.

My boyfriend has an immensely attractive picture of him holding two dead squirrels by the tails.... :oS

May 16, 2005 at 5:41:00 PM PDT  
Blogger rach said...

Cover your roof in yogurt.

According to Claudia Winkleman, squirrels hate yogurt. They are repulsed by it, won't go near it.

So there's your answer.

If you REALLY want to confuse them, use hazelnut yogurt....
Squirrel 1: Mmmm hazelnuts
Squirrel 2: Yeah but it looks like yogurt.
Squirrel 1: Yeah but smell it...
Squirrel 2: I'm not sure...

May 17, 2005 at 1:46:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Kate John said...

That is genius.
Must admit I am a little scared to try such a vindictive plan in case all the squirrels of Buckinghamshire team up and surround my cottage "The Birds"-style and wait for me in the attic and then scratch out my eyes.

May 17, 2005 at 2:01:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Benji said...

I had a girlfriend once that insisted on being called squirrel...I just never figured that one out...that may be why we're not together anymore...too bad, so sad. Peace out to all the Squirrels.

Nice blog.

May 17, 2005 at 8:30:00 AM PDT  

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